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Bienvenida e Introducción.
Dr. Adolfo Baloira.


Mesa de COVID. Vacunas españolas.
Dr. Luis Enjuanes.


Mesa 2. Epidemiología, patogenia, diagnóstico.
Moderador: Dr. Rafael Golpe.
Ponentes: Dr. José Luis López-Campos, Dra. Virginia Moya y Dra. Elena García.

Dr. José Luis López-Campos.
[ATS] Risk for Exacerbation, Hospitalization and Mortality in Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Group B Patients With and Without Exacerbations: A Cohort Study.
[ERS] Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISM) and Increased Arterial Stiffness (AS).
[ERS] Neither Baseline Blood nor Sputum Eosinophils Predict Future Exacerbations in the SPIROMICS Cohort.

Dra. Virginia Moya.
[ATS] SPIROMICS COPD Patients with Decline of Lung Function Have Thinner Airway Walls at Baseline and Are More Likely to Show Bronchodilator Responsiveness.
[ERS] Survival of COPD Patients According to the New Phenotypes Defined in Spanish COPD Guidelines 2021.
[ERS] FEV1 Decline Is Accelerated in Only a Minority of Patients with COPD: a Factorial Analysis of Longitudinal data.

Dra. Elena García.
[ATS] Differential DNA Methylation in Lower Airways Epithelial Cells Associate with Lung Function and CT Scan-Based Lung Structure in SPIROMICS.
[SEPAR] ¿Es el radón un factor de riesgo de la EPOC en nunca fumadores? Resultados de un estudio multicéntrico de casos y controles.
[ERS] Principal Component Analysis of Flow-Volume Curves in COPDGene to Link Spirometry with Phenotypes of COPD.




Mesa 3. MESA DEBATE: La EPOC por tabaco, ¿es una enfermedad independiente?
Moderador: Dr. Adolfo Baloira.
Ponentes: Dr. Rafael Golpe y Dr. Fernando G. Torralba.



Mesa 4. Tratamiento.
Moderador: Moderador: Juanjo Soler.
Ponentes: Dr. Fernando G. Torralba, Dra. Belén Alonso y Dr. David de la Rosa.

Dr. Fernando González-Torralba.
[ERS] Inhaled Corticosteroids in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Risk of Acquiring Streptococcus Pneumoniae Infection. A Multiregional Epidemiological study.
[ERS] Effect of Benralizumab on Recurrent COPD Exacerbations.
[ERS] Itepekimab Significantly Reduced Hospitalizations or Emergency Department Visits
in Former Smokers with Moderate-to-Severe COPD.

Dra. Belén Alonso.
[ATS] Optimizing Corticosteroid Dosing for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Association with Hospital Readmission.
[ERS] Benefit of Prompt Initiation of Single-Inhaler Triple Therapy in COPD Patients in England Following an Exacerbation.
[ATS] Comparative Efficacy of UMEC/VI Versus Other Bronchodilators for the Treatment of COPD: A Systematic Literature Review and Network Meta-Analysis.

Dr. David de la Rosa.
[ATS] Eligibility for COPD Clinical Trials of Inhaled Triple Therapy: Analysis of the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcomes in COPD Study (SPIROMICS).
[ERS] EVELUT®: Dyspnoea and Symptom Burden in COPD Patients Switching from LABA/ICS to LAMA/LABA or LAMA/LABA/ICS.
[ERS] Benefit of Prompt Initiation of Single-inhaler Triple Therapy in COPD Patients in England Following an Exacerbation.

Dr. Adolfo Baloira.
Metaanálisis en RED: Qué es y qué nos enseña sobre las triples terapias en EPOC.




Mesa 5. MESA DEBATE: Tratamientos biológicos, ¿serán efectivos en la EPOC?
Moderador: Dr. Adolfo Baloira.
Ponentes: Dr. Juanjo Soler y Dr. José Luis López-Campos.


Nuevas tecnologías en EPOC.
Dr. Javier de Miguel.


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